
Customize Emacs-Gtk menu bar, tool bar, scroll bar and the dialogs

If Emacs was built to use the GTK widget set, then the menu bar, tool bar,
scroll bar and the dialogs are customized with the standard GTK
customization file, ~/.gtkrc-2.0, or with the Emacs specific
file ~/.emacs.d/gtkrc. We recommend that you use
~/.emacs.d/gtkrc for customizations,
since ~/.gtkrc-2.0
seems to be ignored when running GConf with GNOME. These files apply
only to GTK widget features. To customize Emacs font, background,
faces, etc., use the normal X resources.

See http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/GTK-resources.html#GTK-resources for more details.

